
CLIMATEMED on the EQOL 2024 International Conference Novi Sad, Serbia


Empowering Future Health Professionals: Strengthening Climate Health Education to Enhance Quality of Life

Our recent Transnational Project Meeting was held in Novi Sad at the EQOL 2024 Conference!

We thank our Serbian colleagues wholeheartedly for welcoming our team!

The Climate change and Health International Conference presentations


The Climate change and Health International Conference presentations are available here and on the project's YouTube channel! 

Watch the presentations again!

Climate change and Health

Anna Páldy National Center for Public Health and Pharmacy, Budapest, Hungary

Attitudes and Concerns towards Climate change in Hungary

Results of a Great Sample Representative Survey – Viktor Varjú, Márk Hegedűs, Bálint Koós, Ákos Bodor, Institute for Regional Studies, Pécs, Hungary

Enhancing Intersectoral Approaches in Tackling Health Inequalities: Applying the HIA-IM Research Model to the Irish government’s Climate Action Plan

Dr Monica O’Mullane , School of Public Health, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland

Buildings, Health and Climate change

Ojo David Ayooluwa, János Gyergyák, University of Pécs, Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, Department of Architecture and Urban Planning, Pécs, Hungary

Climate change as a Controlling Subject of the Global Economy

Ever Bedoya, University of Pécs, Faculty of Business and Economics, International Accreditation Office, Pécs, Hungary

Opinions and Possibilities to Teach Climate change’s Health Effects to Medical students in Târgu Mureș

Ábrám Zoltán, Ferencz Loránd, Nădășan Valentin, G. E. Palade UMPhST Târgu Mureş, Department of Hygiene, Târgu Mureş, Romania

Developing New Curriculum Outlines and Learning materials on Climate change's Health Impacts for Medical Schools

the Climatemed Project – János Girán, Csaba Varga, Gergely Márovics, Ágnes Szenczi, István Kiss, University of Pécs, Medical School, Department of Public Health, Pécs, Hungary

Impacts of Extreme Hydrometeorological Conditions on Mortality and Hospital admissions in Serbian Cities

Dragan Milosevic[1,2,3], Darinka Korovljev [1], Stevan Savic [1], Jelena Dunjic [1], Daniela Arsenovic [1], Valdemar Stajer [1], Bojana Harrison [1], Marijana Ranisavljev [1], Sergej M. Ostojic [1] *1 University of Novi Sad, Center for Health, Exercise and Sport Sciences, Novi Sad, Republic of Serbia *2 Meteorology and Air Quality Group, Hydrology and Environmental Hydraulics Group, Wageningen University & Research, 6708 PB Wageningen, The Netherlands *3 Department of Geography, Tourism and Hotel Management, Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Republic of Serbia

Waterborne Intoxications and Climate change

Csaba Varga, University of Pécs, Medical School, Department of Public Health, Pécs, Hungary

Climate Change and Health Conference


On behalf of the Preventive Medical Sciences Committee of Pécs Regional Center of the Hungarian Academy of Science and the CLIMATEMED project, it is our pleasure to invite you to the Climate Change and Health Conference. 

The conference has a primary goal of connecting participants to discuss the health effects of climate change. Additionally, the conference aims to identify more comprehensive connections associated with the impacts of climate change. Experts from various fields, such as social science, architecture, urban planning, and economics, will deliver presentations to the audience.

Date: 22. November 2023. The programme begins at 9.30 a.m.


Venue: Pécs Regional Center of the Hungarian Academy of Science

Pécs, Jurisics M. street. 44.

The conference will be held in a hybrid format, allowing online and face-to-face participation. To participate online, please use the Zoom Meeting ID and Passcode provided below:

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 894 0758 0438

Passcode: 128065


The 3rd Transnational Project Meeting is coming soon!


Our ERASMUS+ project will hold its third Transnational Project Meeting on 06/11/2023. The meeting will be held online.

The consortium members intend to convene a meeting to discuss their experiences with the pilot teaching of the learning materials they have developed. The participants will evaluate the learning materials' effectiveness in practice and identify areas that require improvement before the final versions are released.

In addition, the meeting will offer a chance to review the upcoming tasks of the project's next phase. This includes the discussion of the program of the scientific conference titled "Climate Change and Health", which will be organised in partnership with the Hungarian Academy of Science. The conference is also part of the Hungarian Science Festival, and it's scheduled for November 22nd, 2023. More details about the conference will be available soon.

Our transnational meeting in Târgu Mureș is concluded!


Our third transnational meeting and firts multiplier event in Romania about the health effects of climate change and the educational materials developed by our partners  was successfully concluded!

We have heard some excellent lectures and informations about the specific problems in this area, the experiences of the WordCafé Workshops, and even students' opinions and feedback about the relevance of this topic.

Find out more here:

It's almost time for our next meeting in Târgu Mureș!


Our project results so far will be presented in Târgu Mureș during a transnational meeting on April 12, 2023.

Our ERASMUS+ project, titled „Developing new curriculum outlines and learning materials on climate change's health impacts for medical schools”, will be presented in Târgu Mureș during a scientific meeting on April 12, 2023. On this occasion, the research partners from aroun Europa will present their achievements and plans to colleagues, collaborators and media representatives.

We invite you to participate at this scientific event, which will take place in the Festive Hall (currently the Senate Hall, second floor, main building) on ​​April 12, 2023, from 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., followed by a press conference.

Our collegues from  Târgu Mureș have also written an article about the importance of the education of the health effects of climate change for medical student, academics and medical staff, read more about the subject:

Meet our partners I.


Meet our partner from Novi Sad; Serbia!

Center for Health, Exercise and Sport Sciences (CHESS) is an educational and research non-governmental organization that focuses on creating a society of knowledge through supreme science and research training structured around core principles of Excellence, Integrity, Innovation and Inquisitiveness. The main aspects of our work are (1) research and evaluation in the discipline of health and exercise, (2) education and professional development of the premier quality in the field, and (3) dissemination and application of knowledge for healthy active lifestyles. Our mission is to establish a self-sustaining, continuing education and research program to illuminate the population of all ages about healthy active lifestyles, with the ultimate goal of making the Serbia population more fit and healthy in a rapidly changing world.

In 2010, a small group of University professors, physicians, fitness experts, physical educators and allied health professionals decided to found the Center for Health, Exercise and Sport Sciences (CHESS) – a unique organization that recognizes that health problems were closely associated with lifestyle choices, especially poor nutrition and lack of exercise. Since then, CHESS members and officials evaluated and promoted healthier lifestyles for diverse populations in Serbia and abroad, through educational, scientific and training activities. In the past years, we undertook dozen projects supported by public and private stakeholders, national and international funding bodies, from Serbian Ministry of Education and Science and the Ministry of Youth and Sport, through World Health Organization, World-Anti Doping Agency and US National Strength and Conditioning Association, to industry. Striving for excellence in the promotion of exercise-driven healthier lifestyles, today CHESS continues to organize educational seminars and portals, conduct research studies, and produce guidelines and initiatives for better health. Our main aims areto better understand the relations between exercise, nutrition and health, and to motivate people of all ages to adopt a healthy life style that includes scientifically proven regular physical activity and optimal nutrition.

Our collegues from CHESS:

CLIMATEMED Project first presentation in Novi Sad!


Our partners at Center for Health, Exercise and Sport Sciences held their introduction of our project in Novi Sad for ther Faculty of Medicine.

On December 12 th 2022, at the Cultural center of Novi Sad “Svilara”, the Center for Health, Exercise and Sport Sciences experts held the first presentation of the Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership project "Developing new curriculum outlines and learning materials on climate change’s health impacts for medical schools - CLIMATEMED", which unites professionals from Hungary, Ireland, Romania, and Serbia. The educational material that will be developed during the project will be offered in the future as curricula, intended primarily for medical faculty students, as well as educational seminars intended for doctors, and experts in the field of public health, sports, geography,  urbanism and other related fields.

The goal of the presentation was to raise awareness of the importance of climate change and its impact on health, and to draw the public's attention to the increasingly frequent health consequences of climate change. The CHESS project team presented in detail future activities to the members of the Student Associations of the Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Science and Faculty of Sport and Physical Education University of Novi Sad, and the members of the Student Parliament, as well as the members of the press.

Find out more:

Our first transnational meeting at Balaton


The first transnational project meeting of the CLIMATEMED project was held September 13-14th  2022, where all our partners met from all around Europe.

The meeting took place at Lake Balaton, in Balatonakarattya, where all of our partners and collaborators have met to share and evaluate their work in the project and to move forward with the tasks of the next phase!

We concluded our literature research, and successfully moved on to plan the WordCafé  workshops and the questionnaires we will distribute among the European Medical Schools, to get a better picture about the knowledge of the medical students, academic staff and medical doctors in regards of the health consequences caused by  climate change.


We launched our Erasmus+ Project: CLIMATEMED


We aim to support the educational capacities regarding the health effects of climate change by developing education materials and to strengthen climate awareness.

Why is it important? According to the WHO, health effects of climate change between 2030 and 2050 could raise the yearly death toll by 250 thousand. The reason for this are not just the increase of newly appearing contagious and non-contagious diseases but also death caused by extreme changes in weather.

Our goal is not only to develop learning materials for medical students but also training materials for academic staff of medical schools and postgarduate learning courses too!

The kick-off meeting of the CLIMATEMED project was organised  in Pécs (Hungary), in the conference room of the University of Pécs Medical School, where all the organisations participating in the consortium were represented.

Find out more about our project here:

CLIMATEMED-project at University of Pécs

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